Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Well, the time has come.....

to welcome baby Mackenzie Ryan!!!! Her birthday will be Monday, July 27th around 3:00. Here is the story: we went to our 36 week ultrasound only to find out that she is breech and floating around in low amniotic fluid. With low fluid she doesn't have room to turn into the "natural" birthing position, so a scheduled c-section is a must! I do go back to the doc on Friday to check her fluid one more time and then on Monday I will be checked "just in case" she turned on her own! Either way she will enter the world on Monday! Happy Birthday Baby Girl :) We can't wait to hear you cry and hold you in our arms!!!


sarah watson said...

where are you delivering? Happy soon Birthday Mackenzie!!

schandler said...

we will deliver at memorial hermann! my phone is charging in the i will call you tonight! im scared!

Anonymous said...

That's my birthday. Well Done!

amason said...

i teared up reading that! i can't wait to meet that precious baby girl!!! everything will be great sarah!!! get ready for the best day ever!! :)

Honeyman 4 said...

Awesome...Tyler was breech till the end of 36 weeks!! I remember it felt like he was running and pulling in my belly...but he did indeed turn. And he was a 9 lb 2 oz baby to boot. So it can happen... Baby girls are strong, even at 36 weeks! She will be beautiful!

Honeyman 4 said...

Pics...absolutely. She will be a stunner! Will be praying for a smooth, safe, and non eventful C.

Kelli said...

The 27th is a good day to be born on. Can't wait to see her.

Rusty and Jennifer said...

It was such a joy meeting you and being a part of Mackenzie's birthday! She is SUCH a doll!
I wish you the very, very best!