Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 20, 2009

Birthday Bash!!

JP took my pic before we went out and woah baby!
this pic shows me at 35 weeks 5 days along:) mackenzie
will be here before we know it!
Momma and Daddy to-be

Amy, Kelly, and me

Aron, Amy, me, Chris, and Kelly

the duke lake clan

we have a "thing" in our neighborhood where we go out to celebrate birthdays! this past Friday, we celebrated Aron and Amy's birthday dinner at Flemings! steaks, mac n cheese, and fleming's potatoes are a MUST!! Oh, i forgot to mention the melting chocolate mountain cake and creme' brulee :) after dinner we ventured over to the new swanky wine bar called, Crush, on the waterway. of course, a pregnant woman at a wine bar stuck out like a sore thumb but none the less we stayed out and had a blast! Thanks girls for letting us celebrate with you two :)


amason said...

love the dress.. and the belly!!! we'll have to try out crush after miss mackenzie gets here! ;)

AmyB said...

I can't believe I made the blog! haha...score!