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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mackenzie's Firsts....

This is the 3rd day at home with our new bundle of joy! Needless to say we have LOVED every minute of our baby girl. Now I know where the quote "I don't have time!" comes from b/c it seems as though my life is on hold....pumping, changing diapers, washing pumping supplies, and most importantly trying to sleep :) we can not complain at all because Mackenzie is a great sleeper and only cries if she is hungry or wet! jp said today.....are all babies this easy?!?! we couldn't be more proud of Mackenzie Ryan!!!!
1st Boppy time...she didn't love this :(

1st bath...all wrapped up

1st diaper change at home....look at Bella watching
every move daddy makes:)
On our way to her 1st doc appointment

1st stroller ride around the "hood"

1st thumb suck.....she is soooo smart!!!

1st time in her crib...oh how small she is?!?!

1st time in her bassinet


Clymer Family said...

ohhhhh - she is so beautiful!enjoy and savor every minute!

Unknown said...

she is so cute... Glad to hear things are going well..

allabouttheallens said...

She is soo beautiful! Looks like you are adjusting well at home with your baby girl! Hope to catch up soon!:)

AmyB said...

ok...the crib picture is priceless!!! She's so tiny!! I'm obssessed with itty bity things now!

Kelli said...

The pictures made me cry. I am so happy for you both. What a blessing. She is beautiful and perfect in every way!

GINGER said...

Oh my gosh!! She is so beautiful and dainty! Nothing like my big 8 lb 14 oz baby boy. So sweet!
