Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy 2011 Easter! Mackenzie was terrified of Santa so I just knew we would have a freak-out over the bunny! Well, she totally surprised me! She calls bunny rabbits "bop bops" so she loved petting the bop bop and sitting on his lap! Good Job baby made momma proud!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Tuesday was a wonderful day to head to the zoo....with
our 3 best friends! So Jackson/Jessica, Morgan/Ashley,
Paige/Kelly, and Mac/I set off for a fun filled day together!
The kids had a blast walking around looking at all of
the animals. Mackenzie's favorites were monkeys,
sea lions, elephants, and goats! She actually got
to hang out with the goats and the whole time
called after them by yelling...woof woof! We are
so blessed to get to stay home with our babies and take
field trips like these :)
Shaking the gate to get the goats to "notice" her!

The gang!

loves to ride the carousel!

Monkey tree shot! monkeys were involved
except for one named Mac!

mom and me

Loved watching the sea lion show...jumping and splashing!

M & M singing....if you're happy and you know it
clap your hands!

now it's the itsy bitsy spider!

bye bye ZOO see you next time!!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Well, I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything and I'm going to be better about keeping up with my blog. I love to blog stalk other blogs but I have been slacking on my own. I hate to say that FB is just so easy to post and go :(

Since my last post (which was back in April) Mackenzie has turned ONE, we went on family vacation, traveled to see family and friends out of town, started walking and talking, and becoming a toddler! So I'm moving forward and not looking back!

Mackenzie's new thing that seems to consume our day is EATING! It takes about 30 to 45 minutes, grenades (food) are thrown overboard, put in our hair, rubbed all over the tray, stuffed in places that are hard to clean, and overall FRUSTRATING for momma! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Enjoy the pics!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just a swingin.....

mark and stacy gave Mackenzie a pink swing for Christmas....that's right....Christmas! well jp finally got around to hanging it after much nagging this weekend :) actually we went to the tarros for dinner on saturday night and he witnessed 1st hand how much she LOVES to swing! so we went to Lowes and got all of the essentials hooks, screws, chain links etc.....and now we have a SWING! Mackenzie loves her swing and so does MOMMA!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

SpLiSh SpLaSh.....

Mackenzie had her first pool experience.....and
she LOVED it! she loves her big girl bathtime
but this took the cake! at night she swirls around
in our huge tub playing and chewing on all of
her toys but the pool was a big difference. she was
super happy and smiling the whole but was very
cautious. a couple of times her face hit the water
and you would have thought she was drowning :(
even then she wore a SMILE....I can't wait for
summer and enjoying our pool everyday!
smiley girl....

very happy.....

swirling around....

keep going MOM!

Monday, March 29, 2010

hOpPy EaStEr!!!

Happy Easter Everyone! We have been very busy
lately....(hince why I'm a slacker on the blog) back
is finally on the mend, Mackenzie is growing like a weed,
Jp is working harder than ever, and the dogs are loving
me being home everyday! Mackenzie and I are enjoying
lots of playtime with friends and family....we LOVE to get
out of this house! We are looking forward to a fun filled
Easter weekend with the whole family!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hearts and Ear infection!!!!

Mackenzie made this cup for her daddy on
Valentine's day with
her feet but she wouldn't give it to him....she
thought there was water in there!

her teeny tiny footprints!

HaPpY vAlEnTiNeS dAy!!!!

Mackenzie had to visit Dr. B on Feb. 12th
because she had fever and was rubbing her ear!
sad news......her 1st ear infection but she
is such a champ when she is hurt or sick!
get well soon my baby girl!!!